The time has finally arrived that we can share this wonderful story of our Autumn Photo shoot.
We had a great couple of days working with our resident photographer from For All Seasons Photography Rachel Francis. We wanted to give our residents a real treat, to pamper them and really connect and engage with them in a different kind of way. Dressing up and posing for photographs really did make everyone feel so special. We tried to make each photo as person centred as possible. We used familiar items as props and things which held a sentimental meaning. Everyone threw themselves into it and the end result was truly amazing.
Each resident received a Framed 10×8 print to hang on the wall in their rooms. Their families have also been sent a pack in the post explaining about the photo shoot and proofs of 6 other photos they can order as gifts.
We would like to say a huge thank you to our amazing staff team who helped to make the two days of our Autumn Photo shoot run smoothly. From hair styling to makeup and outfits chosen and props. We had so much fun!
The response to our Autumn Photo shoot has been phenomenal. Our Facebook post has so far reached over 28,000 people and the feedback and comments from friends and relatives has been so uplifting.