We believe that the key word in our name The Lawns Nursing and Residential Home is “home“. The true meaning of a home is an enjoyable, happy place where you can live and laugh, be loved, respected and cared for. It’s somewhere you cherish, somewhere that brings comfort. A place to flop, relaxing in front of the TV or have a duvet day. And it’s a place to be proud of, to entertain family and friends.
Making The Lawns feel like home
Our residents like to contribute to making The Lawns their home. They are fully involved in events and activities, menus and plans. They love adding their homely touches; decorating our home for event, baking in their own kitchen, gardening and even a spot of dusting!
Gardening Club
Every week our keen green fingered residents get together, either outside weather permitting, or inside to plan projects and planting for the year. We are currently working on our rockery and allotment area.
The first hints of Spring with the snowdrops and few early daffodils in our garden have been a welcome arrival. There has been some warmth in the sunshine and our Gardening Clubbers have made the most of it, getting outside to weed our raised beds and plant some primroses for a bit more colour. Lovely to have the company of some four legged friends in the garden too.
We also visited St Peter’s Garden Centre to plan our allotment planting over tea and cake in their café and select seeds; broad beans, runner beans, peppers and tomatoes.
Donations please!
If you are having a garden revamp, please do bear us in mind. We are looking for donations of top soil to fill 3 raised planters in the allotment garden and also rockery plants and vegetable seedlings.
Home baking
Our residents love having their own kitchen on the first floor and it benefits from being open plan. Residents can pop in for a cuppa or check on a bake easily or whip up a cake without missing out on lounge activities. Plus, we get all those delicious homely wafts of baking.
Recently, Chocolate Day most definitely put the kibosh on any New Year’s Resolutions – resistance was futile after a morning of residents’ baking! We had mint choc chip and chocolate cherry kirsch cupcakes, chocolate orange cake with fudge topping and white and dark chocolate tray bakes. Chocolate heaven. Conversation turned to favourite chocolates, memories of birthday cakes and the Milk Tray men who visited us last Valentines! What a day that was!
Mince pie making at Christmas time Whipping up a Victoria sponge cake
Events for March
We are celebrating love and friendship over the next few weeks, with our postcards of kindness and Valentines afternoon tea fundraiser.
March is an exceptionally busy month as we mark British Science Week with visits from Mad Science on Friday 6th March and the Mad Professor on Monday 9th March. We are having a fundraiser event for a Tiny Tablet during National Nutrition and Hydration Week on Saturday 21st March, with a tiki bar for mock-tails and cocktails. We are also supporting Wear a Hat day for Brain Tumour Research on Friday 27th March. Plus St Patricks Day, Mothering Sunday, World Book Day….Never a dull moment! Everyone is welcome.
You can subscribe to our newsletter for a full listing of events, by clicking the link on our webpage https://www.heritagemanor.co.uk/locations/the-lawns/