The challenge – how to keep our residents in touch with their community during lockdown? The answer was a Scarecrow Festival. An inspired idea by our lifestyle and well-being coordinator Joy to involve residents across our Heritage Manor group of homes and our local community.
Community spirit at its best
Could we make it happen in a safe way? Yes, but we had strict rules due to lockdown to protect our residents. For example, there was to be no prize presentation to deter a gathering of people. Scarecrows to be displayed in the front garden of The Lawns. Viewings socially distanced and no one could enter our home.
With rules established and circulated, the fun could begin. Posters were made and the event was themed – design and make a hero Scarecrow. Our sister homes took up the challenge – nothing like a project! We had such a positive response too from our local community.
The scarecrow entries and winners!
We had an astonishing 26 entries from our residents at The Lawns, residents at our sister Heritage Manor care homes, relatives, nursery groups, the WI and our local community. Please do check out our Facebook page for all the pictures. We have included a gallery of pictures below and the winner table!
Everyone was so imaginative in their scarecrow creations: Winston Churchill, a keyworker, Florence Nightingale and Captain Sir Tom Moore to name a few entries from the grown-ups and Super Tato, Postman Pat and Batman from our children entries. A huge thanks to our sponsors Jackson Family Funeral Services, Peters Garden Centre and Tesco for their lovely selection of prizes and thank you to everyone who helped make the weekend such a resounding success.
We had a steady flow of visitors, all socially distanced and respectful of the rules. Our residents were able to sit in our reception area and enjoy the comings and goings. They especially loved seeing the youngsters running around, as we have missed their whoops of joy and excited chatter during lockdown.
We have been thinking of them getting back to school. All those new beginnings, new uniforms and new routines for everyone to get used to. We wish them all the best. Our lady residents remember well sewing in school labels and sympathise with parents! We are re-kindling our lovely relationships with our local schools, albeit remotely at this stage. We are looking forward to some collaborative projects.