It’s been an action packed month at Abberton. We have welcomed Sarah Rolt, who joined Victoria Lissimore as our Lifestyle & Wellbeing Coordinators. Their role is so much more than providing activities for residents. It is about finding out what makes each resident tick, what is meaningful and brings happiness to them and helping them live their lives as they want to live. Understanding their lifestyle and enhancing their mental and physical wellbeing. Sarah has been spending lots of one to one time with our residents getting to know them.
For our Administrator Jo’s birthday, one of our gentlemen residents baked her a cake. As he said to Sarah “You don’t bake a cake for yourself… you bake it to share, however you share it”. He is a very good baker and taught Sarah some useful tips. A lovely time together. Jo was very touched by the gesture and everyone enjoyed tucking into the cake!
We all got creative for St George’s Day. It transpired we didn’t, at first, know a huge amount about St George – so we researched our questions and made a huge St George’s craft display in our dining room. We proved that saying “You are never too old to learn new things!”
For National Poetry Reading day, we read our favourite poems and had a go at writing our own. A fantastic group activity with everyone working together with the rhyming. One of our gentleman residents has a lifelong passion for poetry and we listened to some favourites from his collection. Pre-COVID restrictions we were able to have school children visit to share in poetry sessions. We look forward to welcoming them back when we can. In the meantime, it is great to see the children from Muddy Boots Forest Adventures, laughing and exploring our grounds.