What are twiddlemuffs?
Twiddlemuffs are knitted hand muffs with all sorts of interesting bits and bobs attached. They are decorated with ribbons, buttons, zips, velcro, etc. They can even have an old key sewn inside. A key can make someone with dementia feel more secure.
They are a fantastic sensory therapy for dementia sufferers:
- They give warmth and comfort and encourage movement and brain stimulation.
- Tactile attachments keep the mind busy and soothe anxiety.
- Hugely effective at calming people who are distressed or agitated.
At Summerdyne we recently bought twiddlemuffs for our residents with dementia. All proceeds went to the Alzheimer’s Society.
Our residents are very attached to their twiddlemuff. The repetitive action of twiddling objects gives stimulation for restless hands and is relaxing.
There are many hospital appeals for people to make twiddlemuffs for distribution throughout NHS hospitals. We would love your help to make some for Summerdyne.
How to make a twiddlemuff.
Simple patterns are available for free on line.
If you crochet, here is the link to a Ravelry pattern http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/twiddle-muff
If you knit, try the pattern on the Knit for Peace website http://www.knitforpeace.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Twiddlemuff-Pattern.pdf
We would love your help. We always need more twiddlemuffs, particularly for new residents.
Any we receive would be hugely appreciated and very loved by their new owners.