First Muddy Boots then Muddy Totz
A group called “Muddy Boots” first came to Abberton Manor at the beginning of last year. As it was too cold to take the residents out, they organised for us to do some outdoor themed art. As Muddy Boots grew, we grew with them. They started a “Muddy Totz” group which allows little ones with their parents to explore our grounds, finding the most weird and wonderful creatures as well as creating woodland themed art.
In this cold wintery weather, we thought the kids would need a little warming up. The residents had a lovely surprise when the children walked in with big grins. They started singing “Row row row your boat” and obviously we all joined in with the scream. We are looking forward to plenty more visits from Muddy Totz in the future.
Check out Abbertons facebook page for more stories.
For Muddy Boots click here.